3rd - 5th Grade

3rd - 5th Grade PATTS

PATTS consists of nine, 45-minute weekly groups that can be done in a group or individual format.   The 3rd to 5th grade curriculum focusses on positive social skills.   The primary goals of the program, are to help students learn nonviolent conflict resolution skills, demonstrate more forgiveness in conflict situations and take responsibility for their choices and behavior. 

The curriculum is based on the premise that many children exhibiting behavioral issues stems for adverse childhood events and traumas that has resulted in poor affect regulation skills.  The lessons follow the healing process promoted through trauma focused cognitive behavioral therapy including educating the participant about the effects of negative life experiences, affect regulation, affect expression, cognitive positive thinking and developing positive support systems.  These skills then help the participant learn positive conflict resolution and peer refusal skills.   

This program also emphasizes the necessity for integrating the child’s other support people into the program. A parent night is offered to all PATTS participants as an opportunity to inform the parents of the new conflict resolution skills that their children have learned. This will encourage the parents or guardians to support their children in utilizing their newly acquired skills. The parent night curriculum is included in this book. 

The children who are participating in the PATTS program in the school system also need the support of their teachers. This program also provides a teacher training so that the teachers can utilize the PATTS program in classroom conflicts. 

Program Outline (3rd-5th)


Session 1

Orientation & Nonviolent Role Models


Session 4

Responsibility & Self Control


Session 7


Session 2

Expressing Emotions & Seeking Support


Session 5

Soothing & Stinking Thinking


Session 8

Peer Refusal

Session 3

Anger Cues & Ways to Calm Down


Session 6

Positive Ways to Handle Conflicts


Session 9

Review & Graduation